Everything starts with safe water

A collaboration between Solvatten and Latour



The Impact

The support from Investment AB Latour and its wholly-owned operations enables improved health, hygiene and living conditions for families living off-grid in Burkina Faso and Uganda. Also, it has a positive impact on the preservation of forests in regions were access to safe water and sustainable sources of energy are scarce. 

By improving communities' access to safe and warm water, several synergies between UN's sustainable development goals are promoted. Thank you for being a part of a durable solution!

In collaboration since 2018

In 2018, Investment AB Latour donated 955 Solvatten to families and primary schools in Burkina Faso. In 2019, a long-term commitment for families in Uganda started and Investment AB Latour has now donated thousands of Solvatten kits to families reached by our project.

With a total of 7016 donated Solvatten kits donated over time, 40 000 people in Uganda and Burkina Faso now have access to safe and warm at home. Thanks to Investment AB Latours contribution!

Field implementation

The projects in Burkina Faso and Uganda are implemented together with PLAN International, UNHCR, International Aid Services and Pelum Uganda, in close collaboration with local district governments.

It adds value to the NGO's educational programs, WASH activities, equality interventions and refugee response. With the experience and local knowledge, NGOs enures that Solvatten kits are distributed to the most vulnerable families.

Take part of project reports and sunshine stories
In the reports below, you can take part of the project background, the impact of your donation and sunshine stories from Solvatten beneficiaries in Uganda. 

Solvatten in Uganda

More than 22 million people lack direct access to clean drinking water in Uganda, representing over 50% of the country's population (WHO). The water and sanitation situation in Uganda's northern and eastern regions leads to high mortality and disease, especially among children under five. In most communities in Uganda, it is also the responsibility of women and girls to fetch water and collect firewood for household use. This responsibility imposes a considerable time burden on these women and girls and increases their exposure to gender-based violence when traveling long distances to remote locations to fetch water or firewood.
Having a Solvatten at home gives easy access to safe and hot water to improve families' health and hygiene conditions. Using the sun's power, it heats and treats water from microbiological contaminants and prevents people from falling sick. Your support makes families and communities more resilient.

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Opened like a book

Each unit contains two five-litre containers, each of which can be filled with water via a filter.

Fueled by the sun

The unit is then placed in direct sunlight, which simultaneously heats the water and exposes it to ultraviolet radiation.

Purified by radiation

The combination of heat and UV light purifies the water. Depending on conditions, the water will be free of pathogenic material in 2-6 hours.

Cleared to use

An indicator shows when the treatment process is complete—a sad red face changes to a green and happy one.


How can the sun clean water?

Solvatten purification is based on three well-known methods: filtration, heat pasteurization, and ultraviolet sterilization. It is the combination of heat and sunlight that neutralizes micro-organisms that give rise to diseases. As the water warms up, the increased temperature makes the micro-organisms extra vulnerable to the sun's UV radiation.
Solvatten is designed to maximise the UV light reaching the water. As the sun's rays hit the black bottom surface of the container, the temperature rises. When a high enough temperature is reached, micro-organisms' membranes can no longer protect the cell nucleus. UV light breaks the bonds in the cell's DNA, sterilising the cell. When the process is complete, an indicator shows that the water is ready for use.


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Solvatten AB
Roslagsgatan 56, 11354 Stockholm
+46 08 777 29 05